Best Grasses to Mix with St Augustine

Best Grasses to Mix with St Augustine

St. Augustine grass is a most selected choice among homeowners, because of its beautiful lush green appearance, shade tolerance, and resistance to heat. But, what if we told you that there are other grasses that can complement St. Augustine beautifully, resulting in a resilient and diverse lawn?

Today, I am trying to share my experience about Best Grasses to Mix with St. Augustine. To make your lawn more beautiful and eye-catching.

Salient Features of St. Augustine Grass: Best Grasses to Mix with St Augustine

Beautiful Green Appearance:

St. Augustine grass is known for its vibrant, lush green color, giving your lawn an appealing and inviting look.

Shade Tolerance:

One of its notable characteristics is its ability to thrive in partially shaded areas, making it suitable for yards with trees and structures.

Heat Resistance:

St. Augustine grass can withstand hot and sunny conditions, maintaining its green color even in high-temperature environments.

Fast Growth:

This grass variety has a rapid growth rate, which can help fill in your lawn quickly, creating a dense carpet of greenery.

Broad Leaf Blades:

St. Augustine grass has relatively broad leaf blades, contributing to its unique appearance and texture.

Good Salt Tolerance:

It can tolerate moderate levels of salt, which can be beneficial in coastal regions where saltwater exposure is a concern.

Relatively Low Maintenance:

While not the lowest-maintenance grass variety, St. Augustine grass is easier to care for compared to some other turf types.

Weed Resistance:

Its dense growth pattern helps to crowd out weeds, reducing the need for frequent weeding.

Adaptability to Various Soil Types:

St. Augustine grass can grow in a range of soil types, including sandy soils and clay-based soils.

Requires Adequate Watering:

While it can handle periods of drought, St. Augustine grass prefers regular watering to maintain its best appearance and health.

Susceptibility to Chinch Bugs:

This grass type is vulnerable to chinch bugs, so it’s essential to monitor for and manage pest infestations.

Limited Cold Tolerance:

St. Augustine grass is not well-suited for regions with cold winters, as it’s sensitive to frost and cold temperatures.

These features make St. Augustine grass a popular choice for many homeowners, especially in regions with warm climates and a need for a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn.

The 4 Best Grasses to Mix With St. Augustine Grass

Mixing St. Augustine grass with other grass types can improve its drought tolerance, reduce its maintenance requirements, and enhance its texture and color. The four best grasses to mix with St. Augustine:

Zoysia Grass – A Fine Textured Delight:

Texture and Color: Zoysia is known for its fine texture and deep green color, adding elegance to your lawn.

Ideal Climate: This warm-season grass thrives in humid climates and can handle moderate shade with ease.

Drought Tolerance: Zoysia boasts excellent drought tolerance, reducing your watering needs.

Low Maintenance: With minimal upkeep requirements, it’s a perfect companion for St. Augustine.

Bermuda Grass – Vibrancy Under the Sun:

Vibrant Appearance: Bermuda grass features a fine texture and a bright green color that complements St. Augustine beautifully.

Sun Tolerance: It’s well-suited for hot and dry conditions, thriving in full sun.

Drought Resistant: With high drought tolerance, Bermuda grass minimizes water usage.

Low Maintenance: Its low-maintenance nature makes it a fantastic addition to your mixed lawn.

Bahia Grass – Perfect for Challenging Soils:

Coarse Texture: Bahia grass adds diversity with its coarse texture and light green color.

Sandy Soil Adaptation: It’s well-suited for sandy soils and areas with poor nutrient conditions.

Drought Resilience: Bahia grass offers good drought tolerance, reducing the need for excessive watering.

Low Maintenance: Just like its companions, it’s low-maintenance, simplifying lawn care.

Centipede Grass – Adaptable and Hassle-Free:

Texture and Color: Centipede grass exhibits a medium texture and a light green color that harmonizes with St. Augustine.

Soil Adaptability: It thrives in acidic soils and environments with low nutrient levels.

Moderate Drought Tolerance: While not as drought-tolerant as others, it’s still a low-water grass.

Low Maintenance: Like the rest, Centipede grass simplifies your lawn upkeep.

Creating a Mixed Lawn – Key Steps for Success:

Soil Preparation: Start by clearing debris and loosening the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches.

Enhance Soil Quality: Add organic matter like compost to boost soil structure and nutrients.

Strategic Planting: Plant different grass types in separate areas to avoid competition and ensure proper growth space.

Smart Watering: Regular but not excessive watering encourages deep root growth.

Fertilize Wisely: Tailor your fertilization to each grass type’s needs, avoiding overuse.

Factors that need to be consider when mixing grass with St. Augustine

When mixing different grasses with St. Augustine, several factors are involved before you start mixing any grass.. These are the key consideration:

Climate and RegionThink about the local weather and where you live.
Grass CompatibilityCheck if the grasses get along and look good side by side.
Soil QualityExamine your dirt – is it sandy or muddy?
Sunlight and ShadeKnow how much sun or shade your lawn gets.
Watering NeedsFind out how often the grasses need a drink.
Maintenance PreferencesThink about how much work you want to do to care for your lawn.
Growth PatternsConsider if the grasses spread a lot or stay in clumps.
Pest and Disease ResistanceThink about if the grasses are tough against bugs and sickness.
Aesthetic GoalsDecide how you want your lawn to look.
Competitive InteractionsKeep the grasses separate so they don’t crowd each other.
Soil PreparationMake sure the ground is clean and good for growing grass.
Proper PlantingPut the grasses in the right places, away from each other.
Watering and Fertilization SchedulesSet a plan for when to water and feed each grass.
Pest and Weed ManagementBe ready to stop bugs and weeds from hurting your grass.
Seasonal AdjustmentsChange your lawn care when the seasons change.


Mixing Bermuda grass with St. Augustine grass can create a very beautiful and strong lawn. Bermuda grass, which has a fine texture and a bright green color, looks exceptionally lovely when combined with St. Augustine, giving your lawn a distinct and lush appearance.

Benefits of Mixing Bermuda with St. Augustine:

Visual Appeal: The fine texture and bright green color of Bermuda grass provide a beautiful contrast to the broader, darker leaves of St. Augustine, making your lawn more visually appealing.

Drought Tolerance: Bermuda grass is known for its high drought tolerance. It can withstand dry conditions better than St. Augustine, making your lawn more resilient during periods of water scarcity.

Sun Tolerance: Bermuda grass thrives in full sun, which is a perfect match for St. Augustine’s ability to tolerate shade. This combination ensures your lawn can adapt to varying light conditions.

Low Maintenance: Both St. Augustine and Bermuda grass have relatively low maintenance requirements. They require less mowing and care compared to some other grass types, making your lawn upkeep more manageable.

Considerations for Mixing Bermuda and St. Augustine:

Soil Compatibility: Ensure your soil is suitable for both grass types. Bermuda prefers well-drained soils, while St. Augustine is more adaptable to a range of soil types.

Planting Separately: To prevent competition between the two grasses, consider planting them in separate areas or designated zones within your lawn.

Maintenance Schedule: Adjust your watering and mowing schedule to cater to the specific needs of each grass variety. Bermuda typically requires less frequent watering than St. Augustine.

Over seeding: You may need to over seed Bermuda grass to maintain its appearance during cooler months when it goes dormant, as St. Augustine remains green throughout the year in warmer regions.

Mixing Bermuda grass with St. Augustine can yield a lawn with a dynamic visual appeal, improved resilience, and reduced maintenance demands. It’s a fantastic choice for homeowners seeking an eye-catching yet manageable lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What grass mixes well with St. Augustine?

Bermuda grass mixes well with St. Augustine because it also thrives in warm climates.

What grass is better than St. Augustine?

Zoysia grass is considered better than St. Augustine as it is more drought-tolerant and has a finer texture.

What is the closest grass to St. Augustine?

Centipede grass is the closest to St. Augustine in terms of low maintenance needs and shade tolerance.

Which grass is better, Zoysia or St. Augustine?

Zoysia grass is generally better than St. Augustine grass because it is more resistant to cold and requires less watering.

Where does St Augustine grass grow best?

St. Augustine grass grows best in warm, coastal areas with mild winters and ample moisture.


In conclusion, mixing St. Augustine with Zoysia, Bermuda, Bahia, or Centipede grass not only results in a stunning lawn but also simplifies maintenance. Your outdoor space will become an oasis of beauty, resilience, and low upkeep, providing you with more time to enjoy your yard without the hassle of extensive lawn care.

Naveed Aanjum author

About Naveed A Hashmi

In my childhood, I used to see my parents while working in the land, for these reasons today I have been serving the same as our own tradition and culture. I thus love to stay in it, because I want to learn something advanced and new so that I may improve my farm’s contour and help others with my experience.

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