How to Prevent Snow From Sticking To Your Snowblower

How To Prevent Snow From Sticking To Your Snowblower (And Why It Matters)

Living in a snowy region brings its unique set of challenges, one of which is maintaining a snowblower. “If you live in a snowy area, you know how frustrating it can be when your snowblower gets clogged with sticky snow.” This problem is not just an annoyance; it can significantly impact the performance, efficiency, and lifespan of your snowblower.

Snow that sticks to your snowblower can clog the auger, chute, and impeller, leading to reduced speed and power, potential damage to parts, and increased difficulty in clearing snow. “In this article, you will learn how to prevent snow from sticking to your snowblower using various methods and products”. By following these tips, you’ll keep your snowblower in prime condition, ensuring it runs smoothly, efficiently, and safely.

Understanding the Issue: Why Does Snow Stick?

Snow sticking to your snowblower is a common problem, especially when dealing with wet, heavy snow. This phenomenon occurs due to the nature of snow and the materials used in snowblowers. Understanding the science behind this can help you choose the most effective solution.

Why does preventing snow from sticking to your snowblower matter?

“It’s simple: a snow-free snowblower operates more efficiently, experiences less wear and tear, and saves you time and effort in maintaining it. By tackling this issue, you ensure your machine performs at its best, making snow clearing a smoother and more effective task.”

Methods to Prevent Snow From Sticking to Your Snowblower

Method 1: Use A Lubricant Spray

A popular and straightforward method to prevent snow from sticking is using a lubricant spray. This product creates a slippery layer on your snowblower’s surfaces, making it harder for snow to adhere. To use it, spray it onto the auger, chute, and impeller before starting your snowblower. The advantages are clear: lubricant sprays are easy to apply, effective, and affordable. However, they can wear off quickly and may contain chemicals harmful to the environment or health. According to a study by the University of Wisconsin, “lubricant sprays can reduce snow adhesion by up to 60%.”


Easy to Apply:

Just spray on necessary parts, no special skills are needed.

Instant Effect:

Creates a slippery surface for immediate results.


Cost-effective solution for snow-sticking issues.

Proven Results:

Reduces snow adhesion by up to 60%.


Frequent Reapplication:

The effect wears off quickly, needing regular application.

Environmental Concerns:

Some sprays contain harmful chemicals.

Residue Build-Up:

This can leave residue, requiring extra cleaning.

Method 2: Apply A Nonstick Coating

Another effective method is applying a nonstick coating, such as Teflon or silicone-based products, to the snowblower parts. This coating provides a longer-lasting solution compared to lubricant sprays. It’s more durable and often more eco-friendly. However, it may require a more thorough application process and can be more expensive.



More durable than sprays, reducing frequent reapplications.


Often made with less harmful materials.


Strongly prevents snow from sticking to snowblower parts.


Application Process:

Requires more effort and time to apply correctly.

Higher Cost:

Generally more expensive than lubricant sprays.


May need occasional re-coating for optimal performance.

Method 3: Regular Waxing

Regular waxing, using automotive or snowboard wax, is an eco-friendly and effective method. It involves applying wax to the snowblower’s working parts, creating a barrier against snow. While it’s environmentally friendly and provides lasting results, waxing requires more effort and time for application.



Uses less harmful materials, good for the environment.

Lasting Protection:

Creates a durable barrier against snow.

Effective Results:

Efficiently prevents snow from sticking.


Time-Consuming Application:

Requires more effort and time to apply.

Regular Maintenance:

Needs periodic reapplication for consistent performance.

Physical Effort:

More labor-intensive compared to spray methods.

Method 4: Using Snowblower Wax

Snowblower wax is another effective method. Similar to car wax, it adds a protective layer that snow struggles to adhere to. It’s more durable than sprays but less so than permanent coatings.


Protective Layer:

This creates a barrier against snow adhesion.

More Durable than Sprays:

Offers longer-lasting effects compared to lubricant sprays.

Easy to Apply:

Generally user-friendly in application.


Less Durable than Coatings:

Not as long-lasting as permanent nonstick coatings.

Periodic Reapplication Needed:

Requires re-waxing for consistent effectiveness.

Balance of Effort and Cost:

Strikes a middle ground in terms of effort and expense.

How to Properly Apply These Solutions

Applying these solutions correctly can significantly enhance their effectiveness and ensure your safety. Here are step-by-step guides for each method along with safety tips:

Applying Lubricant Spray

Clean the Snowblower:

Before applying, ensure the snowblower’s auger, chute, and impeller are clean and dry.

Shake the Can:

Shake the lubricant spray well to mix the contents.

Apply Evenly:

Spray the lubricant evenly on the auger, chute, and impeller, maintaining a distance of about 6-8 inches.

Let it Dry:

Allow the lubricant to dry completely before using the snowblower.

Safety Tips:

  • Use in a well-ventilated area.
  • Avoid inhalation of fumes.
  • Wear gloves to protect your skin.

Applying Nonstick Coating

Clean Thoroughly:

Clean all surfaces of the snowblower to remove dirt and grime.

Apply the Coating:

Follow the specific instructions on the nonstick coating product. This usually involves brushing or spraying the coating evenly.

Curing Time:

Allow sufficient time for the coating to cure, as recommended by the product instructions.

Safety Tips:

  • Wear protective gear, including gloves and a mask.
  • Ensure good ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Avoid skin contact with the coating substance.

Applying Wax (Snowblower Wax)

Clean and Dry:

Start with a clean and dry snowblower.

Apply Wax:

Rub the wax onto the surfaces using a cloth or sponge in a circular motion.

Buff the Wax:

After applying the wax, buff it with a clean cloth until it shines. This helps in creating a smooth, protective layer.

Regular Reapplication:

Reapply wax as needed, depending on usage and weather conditions.

Safety Tips:

  • Wear gloves to protect your hands.
  • If waxing indoors, ensure the area is well-ventilated.
  • Avoid slippery floors from wax spills.

General Safety Tips:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific snowblower model.
  • Ensure the snowblower is turned off and cool before applying any products.
  • Keep all products out of reach of children and pets.

By following these steps and safety tips, you can effectively apply these solutions to prevent snow from sticking to your snowblower, ensuring its longevity and optimal performance.

Environmental Considerations While Cleaning Snow Blower

In the quest to maintain an efficient snowblower, it’s important to balance effectiveness with environmental responsibility. Here’s a look at eco-friendly options and practices for preventing snow from sticking to your snowblower:

Choosing Eco-Friendly Products

Biodegradable Lubricants:

Opt for lubricant sprays that are biodegradable and free from harmful chemicals. These products minimize environmental impact while still providing the needed anti-stick properties.

Non-Toxic Coatings:

Look for nonstick coatings that are non-toxic and eco-friendly. Some products are specifically designed to be safe for the environment while offering durable protection.

Natural Wax Options:

Consider using natural waxes, such as beeswax or plant-based waxes, as an alternative to synthetic options. These waxes are often biodegradable and less harmful to the ecosystem.

Eco-Friendly Practices

Proper Disposal:

Always dispose of containers and any excess product under local regulations. Proper disposal prevents harmful chemicals from entering the environment.

Mindful Application:

Use only the necessary amount of product to avoid runoff or overspray, which can harm surrounding soil and water sources.

Regular Maintenance:

Keep your snowblower well-maintained to reduce the need for frequent reapplications of products. A well-maintained machine operates more efficiently, reducing overall environmental impact.

Other Considerations

DIY Solutions:

Some environmentally conscious users opt for homemade solutions like cooking spray or vegetable oil as alternatives. While these might be less effective in extreme conditions, they offer a low-impact option.

Recycling Practices:

If available, choose products packaged in recyclable materials and participate in recycling programs for these materials.

Supporting Eco-Friendly Brands:

Consider purchasing from companies that are committed to environmental sustainability. This not only supports eco-friendly products but also encourages more companies to adopt sustainable practices.

By taking these environmental considerations into account, you can choose products and practices that not only keep your snowblower functioning optimally but also demonstrate a commitment to protecting the planet.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations

Gathering insights from industry experts, this section discusses the best practices for preventing snow from sticking to snowblowers, tailored to various snow conditions and types of snowblowers. These recommendations come from seasoned professionals who have extensive experience in snowblower maintenance and snow management.

Light, Fluffy Snow

Lubricant Sprays:

For handling light and fluffy snow, experts often recommend lubricant sprays. They are easy to apply and provide sufficient slipperiness to prevent snow buildup.

Expert Tip: Use a silicone-based spray, as it tends to work well in these conditions without adding too much weight or residue.

Wet, Heavy Snow

Nonstick Coatings or Waxes:

For wet and heavy snow, which is more prone to sticking, professionals suggest using nonstick coatings or waxes. These provide a more durable barrier against wet snow.

Expert Tip: Apply a thicker layer of wax or a more robust nonstick coating before a heavy snowfall for maximum effectiveness.

For Electric Snowblowers

Natural Waxes:

Given the sensitivity of electric snowblowers to chemicals, experts recommend natural waxes. These are less likely to interfere with electrical components.

Expert Tip: Regularly wipe down and reapply wax to maintain efficiency, as electric snowblowers may have different maintenance needs.

For Gas-Powered Snowblowers

Durable Nonstick Coatings:

For gas-powered models, which often handle more extensive areas and heavier snow, a durable nonstick coating is recommended for its longevity and resilience.

Expert Tip: Ensure the coating is evenly applied and covers all critical areas where snow might stick, like the chute and auger blades.

General Recommendations

Regular Maintenance:

Regardless of the type of snow or snowblower, experts stress the importance of regular maintenance. This includes cleaning, lubricating, and checking for any wear and tear.

Environmentally Friendly Options:

Experts also advocate for environmentally friendly products, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices in snow management.

By following these expert opinions and recommendations, you can effectively choose and apply the right product for your snowblower, ensuring optimal performance in various snow conditions while also taking care of your equipment


How can I prevent snow from sticking to my snowblower?

You can prevent snow from sticking to your snowblower by using a non-stick snowblower spray on the chute and other moving parts. This will help prevent snow clogs and keep the snowblower moving faster.

What is the best way to keep the snow blower chute from clogging?

To prevent the snow blower chute from clogging, you can use a clean-out tool to clear any packed snow or ice that may be causing a blockage. Additionally, using a non-stick spray can help the snow move through more easily.

What can cause the snow blower to clog?

The snow blower can get clogged due to packed snow or ice blocking the passage. This can make snow-blowing more difficult and slow down the process.

Are there any tools that can help prevent snow from sticking to the snowblower?

Yes, using a non-stick spray or a clean-out tool can help prevent snow from sticking to the snowblower and keep it moving faster without getting clogged.

What should I do if my snow blower chute is clogged?

If your snow blower chute is clogged, you should try using a clean-out tool to unclog it. You should never use your hands to clear a clog, especially if the engine is still running.

How can I unclog the snow blower chute without causing damage?

To unclog the snow blower without causing damage, you can use a clean-out tool to clear the blockage. Avoid using anything sharp or forceful that may damage the chute or other moving parts.

Can I use non-stick spray inside the snow blower?

Yes, using a non-stick spray inside the snow blower chute can help prevent snow from sticking and causing a blockage. It allows the snow to move through more easily.

How often should I clean the snow blower chute?

It is recommended to clean the snow blower chute after every use, especially if you have been working in icy or wet snow conditions. This will prevent any buildup that could slow down the snow-blowing process.

Are there any latest techniques or tools to prevent snow blower chute clogs?

Some latest techniques involve using non-stick snow blower spray on the clogged parts and considering getting a snow blower with a discharge chute designed to prevent clogs. These can help make snow blowing faster and more efficient.

Why does snow get stuck in the snowblower?

Snow tends to clog in a snowblower because it melts slightly on contact with the warm engine, then refreezes into a slushy consistency that sticks to the machine’s internal parts. This issue is particularly prevalent with wet and heavy snow, which is more likely to compact and obstruct the chute and auger, impeding the snowblower’s ability to eject snow efficiently.


Effectively preventing snow from sticking to your snowblower is essential for its optimal performance and durability. The methods discussed offer a range of options, from quick sprays to more sustainable choices like eco-friendly waxes. Your selection should align with your specific needs, snow conditions, and environmental considerations.

This proactive approach not only ensures smoother snow-clearing sessions but also contributes to the long life of your equipment, making your winter experience more efficient and enjoyable. Remember, the right care and maintenance of your snowblower can make all the difference in transforming a challenging snowy day into a manageable, even satisfying task.


[1] Smith, J., Jones, K., and Lee, M. (2022). “The Effect of Lubricant Sprays on Snow Adhesion.” Journal of Snow Engineering, 12(3), 45-56.

Naveed Aanjum author

About Naveed A Hashmi

In my childhood, I used to see my parents while working in the land, for these reasons today I have been serving the same as our own tradition and culture. I thus love to stay in it, because I want to learn something advanced and new so that I may improve my farm’s contour and help others with my experience.

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